ROPPOR Art Drone Light Show Formation Plugin(3)

Swarm drone light show software download,

ROPPOR Art Drone Light Show Formation Plugin(2)

2. ROPPOR Art LED Set-up

This menu supports 6(six) LED Mode Presets. Although it hasn’t been equipped with many features yet, It helps you to specify the color assigned to the preset with one click.

Set the start and end frames to apply the LED key value with [Start Frame] and [Finish Frame].

Specify the frame interval at which the LED key value is generated with [Frame Rate]. If the frame rate is too narrow, you should avoid it because it is not easy to express the color.

If you press [Mode Select], you can use 6 functions (Color Wipe, Color Wipe2, Rainbow, Rainbow Wipe, Random, Toggle). It seems to be a little more helpful to understand if you check it with a video rather than read it in writing.

Color Wipe: It is changed to [First RGB] color after applying [Second RGB] color sequentially according to the aircraft order in units of [Frame Rate] set from [Start Frame] to [Finish Frame]. After applying to all drones, repeat it.

Color Wipe2 : [Frame Rate] set from [Start Frame] to [Finish Frame] is applied in [Second RGB] color sequentially according to the aircraft order. (Do not repeat)

Rainbow : Apply the rainbow color (red>orange>yellow>green>blue>navy blue>violet) in the unit of [Frame Rate] set from [Start Frame] to [Finish Frame]. It repeats when all the rainbow colors have been applied.

Rainbow Wipe: The rainbow color (red>orange>yellow>green>blue>navy blue>violet) is applied sequentially according to the order of the aircraft in units of [Frame Rate] set from [Start Frame] to [Finish Frame]. (not repeat)

Random: After applying the color of [First RGB], randomly select the number of units set in [Random Num] in the unit of [Frame Rate] set from [Start Frame] to [Finish Frame], and then apply the color value of [Second RGB]. If [Second RGB] is not set (0,0,0), a random color is applied repeatedly.

In [Random Num], enter the number of drones randomly to color when using Random Mode.

Toggle : [First RGB] and [second RGB] color is sequentially & repeatedly applied to all drones in units of [Frame Rate] set from [Start Frame] to [Finish Frame].

ROPPOR Art Drone Light Show Formation Plugin(4)

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